"Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability" ~ William Osler

How to become a Member

Membership Categories

Active -

Active Membership shall be open to individuals who have demonstrated an interest in the principles and values of William Osler and in the history of medicine or the medical humanities.  Applicants for membership who are 75 years or older must remain on Active and/or Fellow status for at least 10 years before electing to become an Emeritus Member. Payment of annual dues is required to maintain membership.



Fellow -

Fellow Membership shall be open to individuals who have attended at least one annual meeting at which they have presented a paper or have attended two (2) annual meetings.  To be elected a Fellow of the AOS, an individual must receive a 75 percent affirmative vote of the Board of Governors.  Applicants for membership who are 75 years or older must remain on Active and/or Fellow status for at least 10 years before electing to become an Emeritus Member.  Payment of annual dues is required to maintain membership.



Trainee -

Trainee Membership shall be open to undergraduate, graduate, medical, and other health profession students as well as residents and fellows who have demonstrated an interest in the principles and values of William Osler, and in the history of medicine or the medical humanities. No dues will be charged until trainee members have completed their formal training. Trainee members may be considered for Active Membership at the completion of their training or Fellow Membership if they have presented a paper at an annual meeting. Winners of the William Bennett Bean Award will be inducted automatically as trainee members in the year they present their Bean paper. 




For more information or to submit a membership application form, please contact:

James R. Wright, Jr., M.D., PhD.
Chair, American Osler Society Membership Committee

Lydia Lujan
AOS Administrator

All Fellow membership applications must received by the administrator no later than February 1st to be considered at that year’s annual meeting.

Active and Trainee membership applications can be considered at any time of the year.